Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:


About URL Encoder / Decoder

About URL encoder / decoder

The encoding of URLs and simply binary data into a sequence of letters, numbers and some special characters of the Latin alphabet on the Internet was associated with the restriction of physical devices to transmit only alphanumeric characters. 
In URLs, this encoding is usually used to transfer Unicode characters (usually UTF-8) into a sequence of two bytes written in hexadecimal notation. Each byte is preceded by a% sign. With this coding, the line “cow” will look like:% D0% BA% D0% BE% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% B0. That is, the Russian letter k will correspond to the sequence% D0% BA, etc. This encoding is common for file or folder paths in a URL.
Start with the "type (or glue) here..." zone to enter your data, at that point hit the "encode" or "decode" fastens individually. After a flicker of any eye, the outcomes will appear beneath these catches. On the other hand, utilize the "snap (or tap) here..." region to choose a file from your gadget, at that point hit the comparing button. Once the transfer and preparing finishes, you will be informed to download the subsequent decoded/encoded file. There's nothing more to it!
Paste your link for which you want to check the URL to encode.