Broken Links Finder

Search Engine Optimization

Broken Links Finder

Enter a URL


About Broken Links Finder

Broken Link finder

Broken Link Finder is an online tool that you do not need to install on your computer system. It is accessible through any typical browser. You only need the web address of an online portal where this service is available. The broken link checker tool can identify links to an entire domain name by entering your home page address. For small sites, it is not a big problem identifying which page is not working, but not with large sites with huge data to be processed. Without providing advance information, you could lose a large customer base. Many websites are currently providing broken link verification services.

Why do we need a Broken Link Finder tool?

We need a multi-purpose broken link verification tool that depends on an individual's requirement. Some of the most important reasons are here:

1. Whenever you update a new page on the site, it needs to be crawled by search engine bots for indexing purposes. If crawlers have difficulty verifying pages on your site, they will not be able to index a page in the appropriate search engine rank. Consequently, your SEO task will remain worthless.

2. Many sites remain the same without any update for a long time, therefore they cannot identify which page is defective. Sometimes users complain about the issue that is not good for a site's reputation.

3. If you regularly update your site and check for broken links, crawlers can easily navigate through the pages and help rank your site better. After the upgrade, the URL can modify what needs to be subscribed to the sitemap for crawling. If you update all links on the site after checking them in a dedicated tool, it will maintain and improve rank by proper indexing.